
Hello there. Welcome to my blog, Wildlife Untamed, your 21st century connection to wildlife awareness, appreciation and protection. I’m your typical girl here, with one exception: I am and always have been passionate about wildlife and its conservation and appreciation.

As I reflected on my true passions, I realized (with the help of Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, National Geographic and many more) that there was an obvious passion I never outgrew: my love for animals. As a child, I was eager to learn about animals in any way I could, whether it was by playing computer games, watching videos and shows or seeing wildlife around the world given the opportunity.

I am fascinated by all aspects of wildlife, from ecology and the different natural habitats to factors that affect wildlife like human factors and pollution. I thoroughly enjoy expanding my knowledge of animals and wildlife, and find myself extremely excited when learning about the field.

I wanted to share this passion with you all through my creativity (another one of my passions), so I created Wildlife Untamed. I hope to spark the same intrigue in others that I find in myself. Through news, facts, information and other interesting articles, I plan to connect you to the wildlife around us, inhabiting the very same planet as we do.

I am devoted to protecting our world’s wildlife and their habitats, promoting conservation and inspiring future generations in this mission. We share a world with these animals and I believe that the challenges of the 21st century affect both human and animal alike. We can only conquer these challenges when we work together.

The animals of our world need our help to overcome the challenges we are all facing today. Will you join me on this journey to promote wildlife conservation and lend a hand to animals in need?

Image credit: Christopher Michel / CC BY 2.0

Featured header image: Diana Robinson / CC BY-ND 2.0

Herds of animals in front of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Amboseli National Park, Kenya, East Africa

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. I love your blog and every post you published! I am very interested in reading about wildlife conservancy!!
    May I reblog your posts sometimes?
    Thank you for your work,


  2. Thank you so much! Yes, absolutely – please reblog and share my posts whenever, just provide a link! So glad you enjoy the site.

    Liked by 1 person

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Your 21st century connection to wildlife conservation, awareness and appreciation.